Chenille, Yarn, and Braided Material
Floss, Flex Floss, Silk Floss, Stretch Floss
Gummy Worms, Wiggle Tails
Hook boxes, Storage Containers, Tool Holders, Tying Desks, Tying Lights
Hooks, Jig Heads, other Miscellaneous hooks
Miscellaneous Fly Tying Items
Shanks, Tube Fly Accessories, Trailer Hook Wire, Etc.
Synthetic - Skin, Scud Back, Wing materials, Tails, quills
Synthetic Hair & Fur, Synthetic Streamer Fibers, Dubbing Brushes, Flash Fibers, Flash Sheets, Minnow Tubing
Tinsel, Wire, Vinyl Rib, Micro Tubing, Etc.
UV Resins, UV Curing Lights, Head Cements, Epoxy, Glue, Etc.
Vises and Vise Accessories
Wet Fly and Streamer Hackle